Environment Policy

Environmental Policy Statement


TMG Promotions, LLC seeks to establish and sustain a positive environmental legacy for Marketing Group and for future generations. In doing so, the company is committed to distributing products and conducting business in a socially responsible way. We look to minimize our overall impact on the environment and encourage our suppliers and associates to share our environmentally responsible behaviors.

Specifically, Marketing Group offers or is engaged in the following positive impact environmental areas:

􀂃 Abide by all applicable environmental laws and regulations as it pertains to in-house printing of garments.

􀂃 Train staff on our recycling program ‐ empower them to contribute & participate

􀂃 Recycling of paper, cardboard, aluminum, plastic, cartridges, bulbs, pallets, electronics

􀂃 Packaging materials for many orders are made from scrap cardboard, and/or reuse of packaging boxes where acceptable.

􀂃 Returnable shipping crates are used with material suppliers

􀂃 Scrap, non‐conforming, defective items re‐used for make‐ready & machine setup

􀂃 Offer 100% recyclable and reusable non‐woven bags

􀂃 Direct deposit and paperless paycheck program available

ô€‚ƒ ACH programs available between clients and suppliers willing to participate.  




Paula Teague



