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Product Safety
We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding safety of products we sell. We ensure to work with suppliers who will also meet applicable recognized voluntary standards for their products and processes.
No Abuse of Labor
We will not use any form of forced labor, including indentured, prison, bonded or slave labor. We will not use physical or verbal harassment to discipline employees.
No Child Labor
We will not use child labor. We will comply with all minimum age provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
No Discrimination
We will not discriminate in hiring and employment practices on the basis of age, nationality, race, religion, social or ethnic orientation, gender or disability.
Hours and Wages
We will comply with all applicable wage, work hours, benefits, and overtime laws and regulations. If local industry standards are higher than applicable laws and regulations, we will meet higher standards.
Workplace Conditions
We will provide a safe, healthy and secure workplace. We will abide by all applicable laws and regulations for safety and health. Proper sanitation, lighting, ventilations and fire safety protection will be provided.
We abide by all applicable environmental laws and regulations. We will manage our environmental footprint to minimize the adverse impact on the environment.
We will manage our energy, water and waste systems for maximum efficiency and minimal adverse impact on the environment.
Absence of Applicable Laws and Regulations
In the absence of law in a particular location relating to product safety, labor, employment, environment or working conditions, the spirit and intent of these policies shall be met.
Subcontractors and Sources
We require all businesses that support our business as subcontractors, manufacturers or sources of goods to comply with all of the same policies stated in our Commitment to Ethical and Responsible Conduct Policy. All subcontractors and suppliers are required to comply with all applicable and national laws. We expect those businesses to develop and implement internal business procedures to ensure compliance with our policy. We routinely monitor and assess compliance.